Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bicycling Information Presented at Annual Meeting

Glenn Hiner presented information on the FFX Co Commuter Friendly Communities program at Poplar Heights Civic Associations annual meeting on Wed night.  It was very well received and, in fact, there were more people present than have been over the last three years.  Glenn was riddled with questions on FFX Co transportation topics ranging from the use of hot lanes to cyclists’ disregard for stopping at marked intersections on the trail.  In addition, he was presented with many questions regarding cycling in FFX County and especially about cycling in Vienna, the Vienna bike master plan, cycling at GMU and facilities at new metro stops.
A link to the Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling has been added to the HELPFUL LINKS list below.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Annual Meeting coming Soon!

Poplar Heights Civic Association will have its annual meeting on Wednesday, May 15 at 7:30 at the Shrevewood School library.

There will be a presentation by Commuter Friendly Communities Program.

Come meet your neighbors, elect officers, get the latest updates on neighborhood issues.